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Call for papers
Welcome esteemed researchers, academics, and professionals to Geochitra 2024 – a premier platform at the forefront of advancing knowledge in geotechnics and transportation. We are excited to announce our “Calls for Papers,” inviting contributions from experts across the globe to enrich the discourse and shape the future of civil engineering.
Geochitra 2024 serves as a nexus for cutting-edge research, fostering collaboration, and propelling innovation in the dynamic domains of geotechnics and transportation. As we delve into the intricate challenges and opportunities that define these fields, we seek original and impactful research papers that push the boundaries of knowledge.
Submissions are encouraged across a spectrum of topics, including but not limited to geotechnical engineering, transportation systems, infrastructure resilience, sustainable construction practices, and emerging technologies. Whether your work explores novel methodologies, presents groundbreaking findings, or proposes innovative solutions, we invite you to contribute to the intellectual tapestry of Geochitra 2024.
Our esteemed peer-review process ensures the highest standards of academic rigor, guaranteeing that accepted papers represent the forefront of contemporary research. Selected contributions will have the opportunity to be presented at the conference, facilitating vibrant discussions and networking among scholars, practitioners, and industry leaders.
Important Dates
Dates of the Conference :
4-5 Sept 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification :
1st. April 2024
Full Paper Deadline :
30th. June 2024
Acceptance Notification :
15th. August 2024
Camera-ready Paper Deadline :
20th. August2024
Submit Your Paper
Be a part of the dialogue, and contribute to the collective advancement of our disciplines.
For abstract submission:
1) Register your account.
2) Once successfully registered, you will receive an email for account activation.
3) You may visit your dashboard for abstract submission.
4) Click ‘+New Abstract‘ for multiple submission.
Digital Experience
Publish you paper
Conference invites work in the form of research paper, conceptual paper, and technical report addressing the timely issues and developments in geotechnical and highway engineering. We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers in but not limited to the subjects of:
- Advancements in Soil Testing and Characterization
- Foundation Engineering
- Slope Stability and Landslide Analysis
- Soil Improvement Techniques
- Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake Engineering
- Geotechnical Challenges in Infrastructure Projects
- Numerical Modeling and Finite Element Analysis
- Geotechnical Aspects of Environmental Engineering
- Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering
- Case Studies and Field Investigations
- Smart Transportation Systems
- Sustainable Transportation
- Highway Design and Safety
- Public Transportation Planning
- Traffic Congestion Management
- Infrastructure Resilience
- Advanced Highway Design and Construction Techniques
- High-Speed Rail and Mass Transit
- Transportation Policy and Regulation
- Blockchain and IoT in Transportation Management
- Other related topics

All accepted papers in GEOCHITRA will be extended an invitation to submit for inclusion in Scopus-indexed publications.
Registration fees
Registration should be made via our conference website. The registration fees for the conference, which cover conference proceedings, technical sessions, luncheons and refreshments are as follows:
Kindly informed that Bulk participants registration can be made by contacting Secretariat GEOCHITRA 2024 at for manual registration.